New Member

Use this form to join AMMA as a new member. If you are already a member and wish to add a family member, use the membership update form

Membership is only approved after we receive your membership fee of $10.00. You can send the membership fee through a direct bank transfer to

BSB # 015 211,
Account # 422912624,
A/c Name: Adelaide & Metropolitan Malayalee Association
Bank: ANZ


    Enter detail of your other family members







    Let us know about you and your family member’s interests in sports, cultural programs, hobbies or any other interest you may have.

    Please Choose Yes to publish your family details in AMMA member’s address book.

    By subscribing to AMMA emails, you will receive email notifications about future AMMA events and other activities relevant to our community.

    Your subscription is activated only after AMMA receives $10 as membership fees for new member